Ibn al-Sarraj's morphological approach In his book (The Brief in Syntax)

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م. د. رجاء خلف عواد التكريتي


I praise God with the praise that He deserves, and I give thanks to Him that cannot be fulfilled by His measure, and I pray and greet the best of His creation, our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, and whoever is guided by his guidance and follows his path. And after:

It is not hidden from those engaged in the sciences of Arabic and those interested in studying or teaching it that Ibn al-Sarraj, the grammarian (-316 AH), has a high position among Arabic scholars, just as it is not hidden from them that his books are of great importance in enriching the Arab library with all that is valuable and precious from the jewels of the language, grammar and morphology. ..etc.

Among those valuable books, I chose his book (The Brief in Grammar) to be the focus of my research, marked by (Ibn al-Sarraj’s morphological approach in his book The Brief in Grammar). But why (The Brief) without anyone else who wrote this great scholar? My answer to this question is in two parts: the author and the author.

As for the author, Ibn al-Sarraj, who was famous for his grammar until he was called a grammarian, except that he appeared in (Al Mujaz) as a first-class morphologist, and someone familiar with the conjugation section in this book will confirm what I went to, so I decided to discuss his morphological approach to show that his proficiency in (conjugation) is no less – If not more - than his prowess in (grammar), this is from the author.

As for the author, it is (The Brief in Grammar), and it is one of the books of abbreviations with an educational character, and because it is a brief summary, it fits my brief mini research, and because Ibn al-Sarraj emerged in it as an excellent morphological scholar, it satisfies my passion for the science of morphology, and my desire - permanent - to research it. And because it is a book Rare and not available - except for a few - it reassures me of the novelty of my research and that it was not preceded by other researchers.

The scarcity of (the summary) constituted a major obstacle in the way of my research for you, which I did not expect. I had read the book years ago in a friend of mine's library, but the paths were cut off between us.

So I searched for it in public and private libraries and in book fairs and markets, to no avail, until a year passed while I was in constant search. Had it not been for the hand of help that extended to me from my teacher, Dr. Nihad Hasoubi, I would not have obtained the book. And followed by (the conclusion and the results of the research).

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How to Cite
Ibn al-Sarraj’s morphological approach In his book (The Brief in Syntax). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(73), 43-69. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v18i73.9147
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Ibn al-Sarraj’s morphological approach In his book (The Brief in Syntax). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(73), 43-69. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v18i73.9147