Consideration of history and its importance in the Quranic texts ((objective study))

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م. م. حيدر عبد العزيز إسماعيل حمد


Praise be to God, the Most Merciful, and may prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Master of the universes, and upon his family and companions, the people of truth and gratitude.
To proceed: life is a trial for the believer and non-believer, and the sage is he who condemns himself, works for what is after death, and adheres to the conditions of the caliphate for which he was created, which means approving God’s law, and acting according to His commands and prohibitions, and any departure from this path exposes its owner to danger and falling into danger. Pitfalls that he cannot overcome, unless he is remedied by the mercy of God. Therefore, we see the Holy Qur’an revealing the history of some peoples, who lived in the past in successive eras, and did not preserve the trust, and did not rise to the burdens of the message, so His severe punishment befell them.
It is an invitation and a statement to all people, to explore the depths of history, and to benefit from the experiences of previous nations and civilizations by studying and understanding them, and a warning to them against being satisfied with history, as a record of stories and narrations, in order to obtain entertainment and enjoyment only. It is a rich resource for knowledge, knowledge and consideration.
Convinced of the importance of the topic and the urgent need for it, I decided to present an objective research through the verses of the Qur’anic texts, which I called: ((Consideration of history and its importance in the Qur’anic texts)).

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How to Cite
Consideration of history and its importance in the Quranic texts ((objective study)). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(56), 145-167.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Consideration of history and its importance in the Quranic texts ((objective study)). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(56), 145-167.