Abu Zar`ah al-Razi

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This research, entitled "Abu Zar'a al-Arzi," talks about one of the most important personalities in
The field of hadith, and his talent appeared clearly in this field, so that the traveler was drawn to it, and he won his place
He was an imam on the authority of one of the great scholars of his time. He devoted his life to collecting hadiths and studying them until
Count him in the position of Ahmad bin Hanbal. In addition, talking about this distinguished personality shows the status of

Khorasan Al-Ilmiya was able to give birth to such a personality and others.
The study was divided into several axes:

The first axis talked about his name, lineage and date of birth, and the second axis dealt with his travels in
He sought knowledge, with which he traveled to almost all countries, which made him a large number of sheikhs who became disciples.
at their hands, and how he was keen to choose the sheikhs who were known for their knowledge, and how his travels had an impact

adult by adopting the Hanbali school of thought.
The third axis dealt with his students and the era in which he began to speak during his trips to seek knowledge.
And how he began the conversation when he was in the prime of his youth, then the journey to him became in his country, Al-Rayy.

He has a large number of students who were keen to watch and learn from him.
As for the fourth axis, he talked about his qualities that he was marked with, such as memorization, intelligence, asceticism, and humility.
and perseverance, and certainly these qualities, along with his brilliance in the field of hadith, have made him a place in the
His society and the people of his time did not achieve any of his peers, even they are his enemy in the stature of Ahmed bin Hanbal, and for this reason

The fifth axis dealt with this place.
As for the sixth axis, it talked about the harm that Abu Zaraa was subjected to by some
The envious and the haters who were not pleased with his brilliance and his fame. As for the last axis, he talked about
his death, and what was said about him after his death about some of the people of his time who saw him in a dream in a manner

The research relied on a set of sources and references that can be found in

own list at the end of the search

Article Details

How to Cite
Abu Zar`ah al-Razi. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 149-160. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9605
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Abu Zar`ah al-Razi. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 149-160. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9605