A study of the phenomenon of shyness among the students of the College of Basic Education

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Societies of all kinds and degrees of sophistication in civilization care about their youth because they are held

hopes for its continuity, development and progress, and this category is becoming more and more important in developing societies due to the need for these
communities to accelerate the process of national and comprehensive development, which is primarily responsible for

on its youth, and this is what makes us see in the face of this generation the future of nations and civilizations and the future of man


(Al-Tai: 2001, pg. (5).

The university stage is a stage for qualifying young people to take responsibility and have proper knowledge of the requirements of

The age of science and technology, as it is a period of preparation and rehabilitation to think about solving the problems of society and pay

There is no doubt that nations have given this category a great deal of attention

In her academic family, her interest is also directed towards creating a strong personality that can think.

scientifically sound.

(Al-Tikriti: 1990, p. (115).

The university is of great importance in building societies, as it is an institution for scientific research and it is a laboratory.

To prepare vital information and ideas to serve the strategic goals of nation-building modern societies

Universities are centers for research that transfers assets to a better state.

(Al-Tai: 2001, pg. 15).

Universities are racing to set the model for the integrated university personality that can control

Emotions satisfactory control and deal with others properly to achieve the goals of human society.
(Al-Tikriti: 1990, pg. (115).

The issue of linking higher education with the world of work raises a number of issues and problems that

It requires an objective, scientific consideration, as the dichotomy and weakness between the two sides is noted.

Clearly and tangibly, this division has created a double situation that makes the issue of harmonizing the education sector

* Research problem: The requirements of the labor market are the main focus of the debate.

(Bou Batania: 1990, p. 39

Scientists and educators have been interested in studying human life, as it is at the forefront of issues with great values that

Scientists in their various specializations have been preoccupied, and the issue of the individual's understanding of his abilities and capabilities has become an issue.

A mission for him and the community and the ultimate goal of community development is the individual's progress and growth.

(Saeed: 2001, pg. (1).

The most powerful emotion affecting thinking, remembering, paying attention and other mental processes is fear.
intense anger and related anxiety, shyness and confusion, and that shyness is one of the states

The emotionality that accompanies fear when the individual fears the current situation surrounding him, and shyness may arise

Article Details

How to Cite
A study of the phenomenon of shyness among the students of the College of Basic Education. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 315-338. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9649
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

A study of the phenomenon of shyness among the students of the College of Basic Education. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 315-338. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9649