Evaluating the professional affiliation of the outputs of the Musical Arts Department for the years academic year 1990-1991 AD 1991/1992 AD in light of the objectives of the department

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The Department of Musical Arts is considered one of the pillars of musical art education with all that it entails.
It is one of the vital joints that enrich the artistic culture in Iraq through the graduation of batches of cadres.
Equipped with knowledgeable and skillful musical expertise, which will assume the responsibility of establishing
Evaluating the musical renaissance in the fields of education, performance and music criticism, which imposes
Paying attention to the process of tracking these outputs and trying to reach an objective perception about their ability
in responding to the requirements of the school curricula and the requirements of preparation and the extent of the ability of these curricula to

Responding to the requirements and needs of society and culture in general.
Since its opening in 1978, the Department of Musical Arts has relied on the following objectives:
The music must be constructive for the Iraqi society, interacting with its musical genres and their diversities.
Al-Thuraya, and it relied, in its context, from the outset, on accepting students from all over the country’s governorates.
Iraqi community to form a small musical art community that simulates, as much as possible, the Iraqi musical reality.
To graduate a specialized cadre that takes care of the diversity of arts and its multiplicity of forms through education and education.

And practicing various kinds of musical requirements.
The nature of the study in the Department of Musical Arts, since its establishment, has been ◌ pouring in the provision of materials
Theoretical, applied, and academic musical process that depends on the artistic talent and mental awareness of the student.
and his physiological capabilities, which are expected to contribute effectively in directing him towards professional behavior
My receiver agrees with this study and its objectives, but the reality of the situation reveals that there is no study.
It is followed by the graduates of the department through which we know the nature of their behavior and their professional affiliation in order to find out
The extent of benefiting from the academic courses and the ability of the department to direct, which necessitates a procedure

Evaluation of all its aspects in line with the requirements of the labor market and social and professional needs.

Article Details

How to Cite
Evaluating the professional affiliation of the outputs of the Musical Arts Department for the years academic year 1990-1991 AD 1991/1992 AD in light of the objectives of the department. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 47, 421-438. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi47.9703
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Evaluating the professional affiliation of the outputs of the Musical Arts Department for the years academic year 1990-1991 AD 1991/1992 AD in light of the objectives of the department. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 47, 421-438. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi47.9703