Test the level of mathematical knowledge to students for sports injuries

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م. د واثق مدلل عبيد


Test the level of knowledge for practitioners of sports activities for sports injuries Provide an opportunity for students to the third and fourth phases in the faculties of Physical Education at the University of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya to show the level of mathematical knowledge - style sports injuries and their preferred a significant impact in promoting and increasing the sports practice .  Therefore present study aimed to identify the level of mathematical knowledge among the students of the two stages and thus identify the differences in knowledge according to the variables of the stage ( III and IV) it was necessary to build a test of knowledge for students and practitioners of sports activities is the tool 's main search current , and to achieve the objectives deliberately researcher application tool using the descriptive method on a sample of 357 students for the academic year ( 2012-2013 ) , which included testing ( 100 ) is using the five substitutes answer ( I always apply , apply to often , sometimes apply to apply to rarely , do not apply Ali never) spread over nine dimensions , and after several measures the field of building a test and make sure expired, and the experiment President ( test application ), and data processing using means appropriate statistical treatment of results, researcher found the following results: the students phases have a low level of mathematical knowledge for sports injuries and the absence of a difference in the knowledge of the sample in the light of the variables ( standard dimensions and phases ) . The test included the finalization of the ( 43 ) is , with a coefficient of sincerity amounted to ( 92.0 ) and reliability coefficient of ( 0.82 ) has yielded results to build a test of the level of mathematical knowledge to students from sports injuries

Article Details

How to Cite
Test the level of mathematical knowledge to students for sports injuries. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 729-754. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9720
pure science articles

How to Cite

Test the level of mathematical knowledge to students for sports injuries. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 729-754. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9720