(gender) and the violation of human rights in the rooting of the concept

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To what extent can the difference in behavior between women and men be considered as a result of differences in
Biological - as some researchers believe -? Are these differences genuine and natural? To any
To what extent can the reality in its accumulations be more complex than this simplified vision of the issue?
Or is the entirety of the differences between (men) and (women) or most of them due to a complex social reality that imposes

With his prior readings on the biological being who turns culturally into (a man) or (a woman).
If some researchers and scientists assert that specific aspects of body composition
The human biological system – such as chromosomes, hormones, and genetic markers – is responsible for
about innate differences in the behavior of men and women, adding that these differences can be observed
in one way or another. A number of other scholars assert opposite directions in the issue of differences.
and the difference in social behavior between the sexes, and one of these trends is the (gender)
This time, by introducing a perspective or concept called (gender), which emphasizes
Its proponents say that the differences that exist today between women and men - psychologically and physiologically - depend entirely on

society (with the exception of the biological differences associated with the function of pregnancy and childbearing).
The research in that title and its topics necessitated dividing it into five axes, which are:

Research problem, objectives, concept, theoretical thesis, and examples in social reality.

Article Details

How to Cite
(gender) and the violation of human rights in the rooting of the concept. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 48, 265-288. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi48.9752
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

(gender) and the violation of human rights in the rooting of the concept. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 48, 265-288. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi48.9752