The reasons for the reluctance of the students of the College of Teachers from the individual application within Study room

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The art of teaching develops through the relationship that links the principles of effective education with the fields of performance.
teachers in the classroom, which is in contrast to the old trends that were
Evaluation of teachers by focusing on the characteristics of teachers as supposed indicators of the effectiveness of education.
While we see that the modern approach to teacher evaluation should focus on his ability to translate

The volume of cognitive information related to the art of teaching, which is translated into educational steps.
According to the belief of some educators, complete training in the various academic subjects is
It is an essential prerequisite for any serious study of pedagogy, and one of the clear and necessary tasks
To apply this approach, it is necessary to define the parameters of these principles for effective teaching.

:28) p. (7.
The preparation of the primary school teacher varies greatly from one country to another in terms of the duration of the
study, enrollment qualifications, quantity of teaching training, and educational materials available at
The teacher at the time of training and the type of study. And since the preparation of the teacher is of great importance before the service, he
educators and supervisors in this aspect effectively through their teaching in institutes and
Teachers' colleges...the education process has several requirements, including content, students, and methods
Teaching methods and evaluation methods, and in each requirement, there may be obstacles in achieving them, including
What is related to the teacher himself, such as hesitation and anxiety when carrying out the teaching task, and the reason may sometimes be in
This is due to the lack of practical training and lessons during preparation and before actual service.
to a lack of information. The rapid and continuous changes in various areas of life
led to a change in the role of the teacher in the educational process, and specialists in the educational field agreed
However, the teacher is the cornerstone of the educational process, even if he constitutes one of its elements to create
Comprehensive change in the behavior and preparations of individuals in order to reach the creation of the citizen

The righteous who is able to serve his community according to its values and traditions.

Article Details

How to Cite
The reasons for the reluctance of the students of the College of Teachers from the individual application within Study room. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 50, 431-460.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The reasons for the reluctance of the students of the College of Teachers from the individual application within Study room. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 50, 431-460.