Women's rights in the Iraqi constitution

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م. إنعام عبد الرضا سلطان العكابي


The written constitution represents the most prominent legal document in Iraqi society 6 and it is a contract
Social defines the relations between individuals and the state. it is the starting point; There is no end to the enumeration
Individual rights and freedoms. When determining the needs of Iraqi women, it is important to consider them
part of the community; instead of a marginalized group; their isolation weakens the idea of equality;
It ignores the fact that women's rights are part of human rights. From this point of view it will work
This modest research highlights the issue of women's rights in the Iraqi constitution and clarifies some items
Which the state guarantees to provide all opportunities for women that enable them to participate fully
And effective in political, social, cultural and economic life. With an indication of the most important constraints that transform
Without the development of women and their participation in building Iraqi society. So the application of equality
And gender justice in the Iraqi legal system does not produce positive benefits for women in
only Iraq; It is also beneficial to the development of the country.
This study attempts to review most of the constitutions of Arab and Islamic countries
It states the rights guaranteed by Islam to women and discovers the horizons of civilizational development that it has reached
To him the Islamic religion in moving society in general to a new human phase is respected by many
Human rights, including women's rights.
The research also shows a presentation of principles and legislation or the application of provisions related to rights
Women in Iraqi society, where the focus was first on the constitutional level. So since
The constitution provides the framework for the basic rights of individuals and their relationship with other individuals and with the state
Gender equality must flow from that same framework. Potential conflicts also exist
Between women's rights and social and customary pressures should not eliminate the existence or application

Article Details

How to Cite
Women’s rights in the Iraqi constitution. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 417-434. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9894
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Women’s rights in the Iraqi constitution. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 417-434. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9894