Formal generation in structure Decorative gadflies

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أ. م. د. هاشم خضير حسن الحسيني


It is well known that Arab Islamic art is a decorative art, developed by Muslim artists
Where they turned away from drawing living beings for their hatred, especially in the early eras of Islam; Resulting
This leads to the use of various other decorations (geometric - botanical - linear text); embodied by decorating
The Holy Quran and Islamic architecture; Over time, these decorations evolved; So I got pregnant in structure
Its units and formal elements are a feature described by its Islamic decorative character.

where wolves starve as a complement to calligraphic decorative work; As it formed its group
The integrated personality is an ornamental field, no matter how much it helped to beautify many applications on the level
Linear achievements that were artistically inspired and designed to meet aesthetic and taste goals.
This is based on the diversity and contrast arising in its design structure of vocabulary and elements
approved and even within the same direction, as well as the existence of different formal Tdladat represented
It has decorative flywheels, which are as follows:
1 Decorative botanical cotyledons (twig-sepals-flowering).
7" Geometric Flies.
3 double decorative cotyledons (vegetal-geometric).

These formal reproductions were adopted in many applications, especially the linear paintings that are considered
This is our field of research.

Where the researcher found that one of the difficulties he faces in this field is the great diversity
for implemented designs. In addition to their abundance, we will not exaggerate if we say that there are no models that can be
Rest assured that this is an adequate example of this diversity of decorative gadflies; meaning to be embodied in it
All the design possibilities are actually implemented, and in light of that, the researcher tried to focus his efforts on

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How to Cite
Formal generation in structure Decorative gadflies. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 349-388.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Formal generation in structure Decorative gadflies. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 349-388.