The impact of a training curriculum in a deficiency style oxygen using a mask (Hypoxic) to develop some abilities Special physique of young handball players

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أ.م.د. أنعام جليل أبراهيم
م.م. علاء جاسم مخيلف


The study aimed to prepare a training curriculum using hypoxia method using a mask
(Hypoxik) in accordance with the abilities of young players in handball and to identify its impact on
Developing some special physical abilities of young handball players; The two researchers used
The experimental method designed by the experimental and control group with pre and post test ©
On a sample of young players in the First Division Clubs League in Baghdad (for my club
Al-Jaish and Al-Karkh) for the sports season (2013-2014) and the capabilities of the distinctive force were determined
With the speed of the arms and legs, the transitional speed, the endurance of speed, and the preparation of a curriculum
My training using the hypoxic method using a hypoxic mask was applied to the group
Experimental (32) training units that were carried out during (8) weeks, at (4) training units, for a period of
Two months, and the results were processed after the post-tests, and the most important of them was that the training curriculum had a style
Lack of oxygen by using the (hypoxic) mask has a positive effect on developing the characteristic strength
With the speed of the arms and legs of the young handball players who trained with him; and outperform them
developing players who trained without him; And that the training curriculum method hypoxia
Using a hypoxic mask helped to improve the transitional speed and endurance of the two legs
young handball players who trained with it; And their superiority improves them in the players who
Practice without it.

Article Details

How to Cite
The impact of a training curriculum in a deficiency style oxygen using a mask (Hypoxic) to develop some abilities Special physique of young handball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 625-657.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The impact of a training curriculum in a deficiency style oxygen using a mask (Hypoxic) to develop some abilities Special physique of young handball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 625-657.