thinking strategies for activities Sports physical education among players Handball and volleyball players and basketball players

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We find many players possess many physical, skillful and tactical capabilities, except
They cannot use and employ these abilities when participating in sports competitions
This is due to their lack of mental skills and abilities and their excitement alongside their other abilities ©
While others achieve the best sporting achievements thanks to their use and employment
their skills and mental abilities effectively and integratedly during sports competitions.
As for the research problem, the researcher found that most of the players cannot use the game
And employing their abilities when participating in sports competitions, as a result of their lack of
Mental skills and abilities and their stimulation in addition to their other abilities, which causes their inability
provide them with the required level.
The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between physical and educational sports activities
The mental skills of team players.
As for the research hypothesis, it is in the following question: What is the relationship of physical sports activities
educational skills with some mental skills for team players?
The researcher used the descriptive survey method. The research was carried out on a sample
They are chosen according to the intentional method. The researcher explained the methods and tools used
search. Scientific tests and measures used in the research are characterized by validity coefficients

Article Details

How to Cite
thinking strategies for activities Sports physical education among players Handball and volleyball players and basketball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 657-689.
pure science articles

How to Cite

thinking strategies for activities Sports physical education among players Handball and volleyball players and basketball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 657-689.