Published: 2012-01-01

Kinesiology (Kinetics) kinesics

Lama Faeq Jamil Al-Ani

221 - 229

The Spinner in the Poetry of Isaac Lebusch Peretz (An analytical study)

أ. م. شيماء فاضل حمودي الخزعلي

715 - 734

Study of optimal conditions for invertase production from a local isolate of Candida spp

محمد عمر محي الدين , حميد عبود جبر , جاسم محمد عوده

735 - 744

Study of adsorption of dolomite rock powder for some phenolic pollutants in industrial wastewater and the effect of heat treatment

م. م. مازن كريم مصطفى, م. م. عماد حامد كاظم, م. م. نضال على محمود

745 - 758

Study the effect of alumina and magnesia additions on the sequestration loss property of bentonite

د. شهاب احمد زيدان الجبوري , م.م شذى هاشم مهدي

769 - 778

Kidney disease, Ceruloplasmin & Hypertension

Asst. Prof. Hana’a Salman Yass, Dr .Eptessam Jafer Farag, Asst. Prof . Dr. Iqbal Abdul Hameed A. Rahman

23 - 38

Depression in Elderly and its Relationship to some Variables

Arkan B. Nagi, Ph D, Shirooq M. Jacob, Ph D

39 - 48

Effect of Water Proof Admixture on Hardened Concrete

Asmaa Mahdi Ali, Gheed Basil Hameed, Dina Abdul kareem Hussein

49 - 66

The Quaternions and Representing Methods

Wala Abdul Razzak Mohamed

127 - 134

Toward semantic web using personalization techniques

Sinan Adnan Dewan, Firas Ali Hashim

135 - 144

DES Ciphering Algorithm

Mohammed Jasem Reza

145 - 150