ملامح التدوين التاريخي في كتاب فتوح البلدان للبلاذري

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

د. عبدالله ناصر عبود الحياني


AL-Balathiry participated by his book fitooh AL-Buldan in expanding the

 history text through ensuring the following:                1-The universality in documenting history. He didn't make the documenting restricted to mentioning the works of kings' khaliphates and leader's. The documenting included liberations, build cities and supplying armies. He took cane of liberation and its effects like wars, agreements and bonds related to explanation.

2- He also ensured the criticism of his tori Cal action and didn't depend on transporting, as done by AL-Tabari, but on supported narratives although they were a mixture of narrators and speakers – He, mostly, exposes his opinion in a his tori Cal action whether supporting or rejecting.

3- He didn't talk about the appeals happened among Muslims and didn't support an opinion upon another although he seemed to tend to Abbasiyeen.

4- He ensured the civilized scope of the Islamic liberations. He mentioned building of cities, chapping rivers, building dams and reforming lands. He also explain some of the Islamic terms such as pentad, recommendation, what is buried by the previous generations, localization of divans and coin. He referred to the important stages of the civilized conversion and mentioned the migrations of the tribes and their new places, so mullahs and historians got benefit of his efforts.

5- He depended upon his tori Cal document and mentioned a lot of their texts and signatures and seals of their owners. He also mentioned the texts that narrators were deferent in their look to them. He mentioned the titles of these agreements, bonds and letters in the last chapter of the paper. AL-Balathiry depended on poetry since it was the Arab divan and an important document in misorical documenting to prove his speech in a historical action. In doing so, he followed what was dons by Ibn I Shaq in the career.                               

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
ملامح التدوين التاريخي في كتاب فتوح البلدان للبلاذري. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 17(72), 321-341. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v17i72.4458
مقالات العلوم الصرفة

كيفية الاقتباس

ملامح التدوين التاريخي في كتاب فتوح البلدان للبلاذري. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 17(72), 321-341. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v17i72.4458