American protestant evanglish in Amarah city in Iraq 1895-1959 (Cultural and social activity model)

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

م. سمير عباس ريكان


The French- British competition was accompanied by the extension of their influence on the property of the ottoman empire in general and Iraq, especially an increase in the missionary activity of the French Catholics and the British protestants as one of the means of competition among them in this context, the American protestant missionaries arrived in the Amarah city through the American- Arad mission in 1895 under British protection for their activities, the cultural and social activities which began with the opening of the Bible library and religious trips, and the tried to spread the Christian religion and the protestant doctrine among the people of the Amarah city, taking advantage of the living conditions and healthy health (1921-1958), when the missionaries realized that they had not succeeded in achieving their missionary goals, they took indirect measures to reach the people of the Amarah city by establishing the American charity association in the Amarah city in 1936, which was able to find a physical entity in the Amarah city but it failed religiously in the evangelization of Muslims and achieves their desired goal until the suspension of the mission of the Iraqi government and forced them to leave the Amarah city in 1959 after the outbreak of the revolution of July 14, 1958 on the establishment of the republican regime in Iraq.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
American protestant evanglish in Amarah city in Iraq 1895-1959 (Cultural and social activity model). (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(103), 257-304.
مقالات العلوم الانسانية

كيفية الاقتباس

American protestant evanglish in Amarah city in Iraq 1895-1959 (Cultural and social activity model). (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(103), 257-304.