The Educational Effects of Mohammed 's Prophecy ( Peace upon him(

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

م.م. محسن عبد الله خلف


The matter of   up bring   in  the legislation of Islam  is of a great  status , of sublime  position  getting to higher degree of completion and perfect . It is considered one of four basic elements  in Quran and   the religion  relies on them   (Believe,  education,  worships  and dealings).  Thus ,   this element is hugely concerned with  , especially in Makki  part  and Ayahs  reached to 1500 ayahs .

The Mohammed 's Instructions ending ( peace upon him)   focused on   unification on worships   and enhancing  the  spiritual believe  inside  human beings , and reforming  the human behaviours  as that explained in holy Quran and Mohammed 's  instructions .

 The Mohammed 's  instructions   relied on  believing  reports   and human  purge  and that being instilled  with  morals  and integrity. That being considered  the path to  the right  Up Bringing .

 For the importance of this subject  ,  I have chosen the title of  my current research (  Educational Effects  of  Mohammed ' s  prophecy ( peace upon him) .

 The research  includes  an introduction ,  contents,  definition of some terms, four parts, and conclusion  and then the references

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
The Educational Effects of Mohammed ’s Prophecy ( Peace upon him(. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(104), 1235-1264.
مقالات العلوم الانسانية

كيفية الاقتباس

The Educational Effects of Mohammed ’s Prophecy ( Peace upon him(. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(104), 1235-1264.