The effect of a recreational program (psychological - motor) on the concept of physical self and the functional performance of physical education teachers

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أ . د . إيمان حمد شهاب الجبوري
م.م علاء هادي علي


    The problem of the research is that there is a lack of proper understanding of the importance of the concept of physical self in physical education teachers and thus cause a decrease in the level of functional performance below the required level due to the lack of recreational programs (the same _ kinetics), which causes lack of physical activity for them, so the researchers prepared a program For teachers of physical education includes the use of many means and recreational games, which lead to increased knowledge of the concept of their physical self as well as help them to increase their activity and physical abilities and thus improve the level of performance. The objectives of the research were: the preparation of a recreational program (the same _ dynamic) for teachers of physical education as well as the preparation of measures for each of (the concept of physical self and functional performance) for teachers of physical education. And to identify the effect of recreational program (self _ motor) prepared on the body self. The research hypotheses included: There are statistically significant differences between the results of tests (tribal and dimensional) in the concept of physical self and functional performance of teachers of physical education. There are also statistically significant differences between the results of tests (pre and post) in the physical self and the performance of teachers of physical education. The second chapter dealt with several theoretical studies related to the subject of research as well as similar studies. The third chapter included the research community (87 teachers) and its sample of (27) teachers for the exploratory and main experience. The third chapter contains the homogeneity of the sample and the means and tools used in the research, and the tests used in the research were presented in detail, as well as the exploratory experiment and tribal tests and the main experiment and its details down to the post-tests and statistical methods used in the research. The fourth chapter contains the presentation of the results that emerged through the use of statistical methods and the processing of raw data obtained from the tests, and presented and analyzed the results and discussed. The researchers concluded in Part V several conclusions, including: The recreational program (the same _ dynamic) worked to develop the concept of physical self and functional performance of teachers of physical education. The researchers also recommended several recommendations, including: Adoption of the recreational program (the same _ dynamic) prepared by the researcher On other samples from physical education teachers and from other regions and governorates.

Article Details

How to Cite
The effect of a recreational program (psychological - motor) on the concept of physical self and the functional performance of physical education teachers. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 246-269.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The effect of a recreational program (psychological - motor) on the concept of physical self and the functional performance of physical education teachers. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 246-269.