Openness to the other in the biography of the prophet " An Applied study on the Hudaybiya Magistrate Document "

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Ashjan Ahmed Abdullah


The openness to the other is anew reformer , that carries with it many concepts that have made it the subject of forms , and become its effects .

      That is why I saw issue from theoretical and practical point of view . and are there texts in the holy Quran and the Sunnah that confirm this openness and call for it ?

      Therefore , the first section explained the meaning of openness to the other . it's importance and conditions .

      The second section in a statement calling for Islam to open to the other through the texts of the Koran and sunnah .

      The third section is devoted to the Hudaybiyyah reconciliation document as a model for this openness .

      Then it becomes clear that Islam has a special vision regarding the issue of openness to the other . To preserve the Islam identity , and pride in belonging to Islam .

Article Details

How to Cite
Openness to the other in the biography of the prophet " An Applied study on the Hudaybiya Magistrate Document ". (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(107), 496-514.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Openness to the other in the biography of the prophet " An Applied study on the Hudaybiya Magistrate Document ". (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(107), 496-514.