The manifestations of cultural and social image in the products of students of the Art Education Department

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م.د زهراء صائب احمد
م.د نجلاء خضير حسان


    This study was conducted with the aim of revealing the manifestations of cultural and social image in the products of students of the Department of Art Education, It relates to the same artist and psychological advancement, The research sample consisted of (4) artworks for graduate students in the Department of Art Education - University of Baghdad, Chosen intentionally, The study reached several conclusions from it; The cultural and social image has existential connotations embodied in the artist's works and artistic productions through a set of structural vocabulary Through which to express his vision and his cultural and social perspective

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How to Cite
The manifestations of cultural and social image in the products of students of the Art Education Department. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(109), 224-238.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The manifestations of cultural and social image in the products of students of the Art Education Department. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(109), 224-238.