Design and rationing battery test skill to measure basic skills of junior players ages (10-12snh) ball miniature plane

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a. Dr. Gomaa Mohamed Awad
Prof. Nabhan Hamid Ahmed
a. Dr. Ali Mahdi Hadi


The   progress in the high levels of the various games and sporting events collective and individual alike was the result of investigation and frequent Find the right investment scientific and practical difficulties in various cognitive science, both in sports training, learning and testing and measurement and using them on as scientific precise and proper and that is in harmony with the nature and abilities of individuals or Sporting the ages and their potential to reach a high evaluation of the performance of the skill required both in training at various epochs or in athletic competition, as is the assessment and evaluation in the field of sports in general and the achievement Particularly a measure to raise the scientific peoples According to scientific system in accordance with the real methodology and the various segments of society, including the young people who represent the main base of the communities in all fields, especially the work of the bracket (10-12 years), the problem is research worthy of research and investigation and study to add tests battery from which to measure the level technically gifted players emerging in the plane thumbnails of all the basic skills of the ball, namely, (transmitter / receiver transmitter / defense of the stadium / setup / beating the overwhelming national and rectal / bulwark / handling top and bottom) as it has been this battery is placed in an objective and scientific was pasture physical and skill capabilities and their abilities to determine the levels of skill and then the possibility of their calendar to be an important indicator of the effectiveness and the ages of those ages that are considered essential in the corner and skill level in the future. The researchers used the descriptive way either survey sample are players specialized school plane of the ball on Diwaniyah province, was Aasthaddam statistical pouch () The recommendations were The conclusions

Article Details

How to Cite
Design and rationing battery test skill to measure basic skills of junior players ages (10-12snh) ball miniature plane. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 1(SI), 212-240.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Design and rationing battery test skill to measure basic skills of junior players ages (10-12snh) ball miniature plane. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 1(SI), 212-240.