Philosophy of life and death in poetry Uday bin Zaid Al-Abadi

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أ. م. د. راجحة عبد السادة سلمان


We still read pre-Islamic poetry, and we read the lives of poets from that poetry, and between reading and other readings, many images come to us from which we derive the nature of that era and the life that these poets lived, as it was a life closely attached to the vastness of that desert and its endless extensions, so the repercussions of the feelings of the poets of that remain. The era is according to the emotional experience and the psychological state in which the poet passes in the shadow of its atmosphere, relaxed with his imagination, wandering with him within the borders of that desert, but he is not limited by anything from it, because he does not find in his tasks that desert a space for his emotions, feelings and fantasies

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How to Cite
Philosophy of life and death in poetry Uday bin Zaid Al-Abadi. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(78), 1-20.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Philosophy of life and death in poetry Uday bin Zaid Al-Abadi. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(78), 1-20.