The explosive force of the muscles of the legs and its relationship to the performance of the blocking wall skill in volleyball On the Stansiriya University volleyball team for the year (2010-2011)

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م. م. محمود قاسم علي


The aim of the research is to (identify the relationship between the explosive force of the muscles of the legs and the success of the skill of the blocking wall for the players of the Al-Mustansiriya University team in volleyball). ) a player from the Al-Mustansiriya University football team, and the researcher concluded (there is a positive correlation between the explosive power of the legs and the success of the volleyball wall), and the researcher recommended (the need to develop the explosive power of the legs for volleyball players, as it is one of the most important factors for the success of the volleyball wall).

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How to Cite
The explosive force of the muscles of the legs and its relationship to the performance of the blocking wall skill in volleyball On the Stansiriya University volleyball team for the year (2010-2011). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(77), 625-644.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The explosive force of the muscles of the legs and its relationship to the performance of the blocking wall skill in volleyball On the Stansiriya University volleyball team for the year (2010-2011). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(77), 625-644.