Scenes from the narrative and story features in pre-Islamic poetry

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أ.م.د. أحمد حسين العيثاوي
م. م. جابر خميس


(Scenes from Narrative and Narrative Features in Pre-Islamic Poetry) is an examination of the technical aspects of dialogue scenes in some texts of pre-Islamic poetry, based on the fact that the scene is an artistic technique used by the poet/narrator for the purpose of re-displaying the facts of life as a literary presentation that leads to a kind of congruence between the time of discourse. And the time of the story, to slow down the movement of the narration, and the course of events.
This has been addressed by including pre-Islamic poetry in its texts many dialogue scenes, which leads to denying the absolute lyricism of it, and with three sequential investigations: the introduction, the narrative glances, and the instantaneous dialogue scene, which was taking place at a sequential pace in the pre-Islamic poetic text, and it was found that The poetic scene has many functions that are not very different from those it performs in a novel or a play.

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How to Cite
Scenes from the narrative and story features in pre-Islamic poetry. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(80), 23-41.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Scenes from the narrative and story features in pre-Islamic poetry. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(80), 23-41.