A Proposed Steganographic Method in Digital Media

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Mr. Wisam A. Shukur


The aim of this research is designing and implementing proposed
steganographic method. The proposed steganographic method don’t use a
specific type of digital media as a cover but it can use all types of digital
media such as audio, all types of images, video and all types of files as a
cover with the same of security, accuracy and quality of original data,
considering that the size of embedded data must be smaller than the size of
a cover. The proposed steganographic method hides embedded data at
digital media without any changing and affecting the quality of the cover
data. This means, the difference rate between cover before hiding operation
and stego is zero. The proposed steganographic method hides embedded
data at various locations in cover irregularly or randomly, whereas the
locations of cover for information hiding are not constant, this property
will increase the level of security for proposed method. In the proposed
method, the sender needs sending a file that has small size via any
communication channel and that considered as a key while sending a cover
is not necessary to recipient if both agree about downloading it from the
internet before sending a file. The contents of this file are invaluable for an
attacker. The programming language that used in programming this
proposed method is C++ language. Steganographically, The proposed
steganographic method is strong and robust. It is possible classifying this
proposed method as a public key steganography system and substitution
system at the same time.

Article Details

How to Cite
A Proposed Steganographic Method in Digital Media. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 17(67), 203-218. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi.7889
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

A Proposed Steganographic Method in Digital Media. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 17(67), 203-218. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi.7889