Contrasting dualities in the design of contemporary interior space

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أ.د.هدى محمود عمر
م. اسيل ابراهيم محمود منصور


The contradictory binaries and the ways of dealing with them have differed throughout the historical development
The various fields of philosophy, art, architecture and design, and binaries in general and contradictory
Among them, in particular, is one of the concepts that the constructivist intellectual orientations focused on
Although a phenomenon gains its meaning by contrasting it with another phenomenon, the constructivist approach emphasizes
The need to organize the phenomena according to the encounters instead of paying attention to the collection of similarities
The result of interior design is the collection and reconciliation of elements, whether homogeneous or non-compliant
Homogenous in a single composition that meets the individual's aesthetic and functional requirements, the subject of dualities has
Contacting the subject of interior design because it includes an infinite number of dichotomies from here it was
The subject of the research, which included four chapters

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How to Cite
Contrasting dualities in the design of contemporary interior space. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 479-506.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Contrasting dualities in the design of contemporary interior space. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 479-506.