Film structure and national specificity in the fictional film

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م. د. بان جبار خلف


The research tagged "The Film Environment and the National Specificity in Narrative Cinema" consists of the first chapter, which included the methodological framework, which contains the research problem and the need for it, which was "to what extent can the environment be considered a pillar of the film's dialectical trio in terms of being a narrative and expressive value and contributing to the presentation of the form As for the need for such research, it is very important by emphasizing the activation of the film environment as an expressive element that puts in the hands of specialists a field that must be constantly paid attention to in order to confirm the identity of the local film. As for the importance of the research, it lies in noting that most films in Iraq and the Arab world lose their national identity. And nationalism becomes a reproduction of the film of the empowered other.. as the environment is the imprint and identity of a national cinema that does not imitate the achievements of others.

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How to Cite
Film structure and national specificity in the fictional film. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 285-309.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Film structure and national specificity in the fictional film. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 285-309.