Anatomicaland Histological study of the cerebellum in Tytoalba (barn owl) by using Giemsa stain method

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Shermean Abdulla


Morphological  and histological aspects on the cerebellum of( barn owl ) were made in order to find out the cerebellum size, design,  lobal, folial variation  and the description of the cerebellar regions components  at the light microscopical level by using Giemsa stain method . The results of the morphological aspectswere  revealed  that the cerebellum was large and spade  in shape .Sagittal sections revealed the three folded lobes , the arrangement  and  the nomenclatures of the ten primary folia . The results of the microscopic examinationswere  indicated that the three distinct layers of the cortex were more clearly appeared with Giemsa stain methods .The thicker outer light molecular layer were mostly occupied by axons and dendrites . The star shaped stellate cells and the basket cellswere  found scattered  between them. The  single middle purkinje cells layer had large flask shaped cells , the high  linear density  was in the  posterior lobe of the cerebellum . The thick inner dark granular layer had a numerous different  neurons,the white matter which formed the medulla was the region of the myelinated fibers and the deep cerebellar nuclei   

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How to Cite
Anatomicaland Histological study of the cerebellum in Tytoalba (barn owl) by using Giemsa stain method. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 77-88.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Anatomicaland Histological study of the cerebellum in Tytoalba (barn owl) by using Giemsa stain method. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 77-88.