American economic activities in Iraq and the role of the United States in dealing with International economic organizations with him in the discussions of the Iraqi Parliament (19581945)

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1 Commercial exchange.
2- American companies, Iraqi oil and investment in its mineral wealth.
3- The impact of the US intervention on the performance of the United Nations economic organizations in dealing with


1 commercial exchange:
The events of the Second World War (1939-1945) and the painful consequences that
resulted in the various fields of life casting shadows on the peoples of the world who have suffered
many of the economic damages that befell its people as a result of the use of
He made it a starting point for the Allied forces (United States of America, Britain, France) and he was hard
Iraqis during the lean years of war experienced all kinds of suffering and endured much of the abhorrent injustice.
the one who got them

Article Details

How to Cite
American economic activities in Iraq and the role of the United States in dealing with International economic organizations with him in the discussions of the Iraqi Parliament (19581945). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 51, 1-34.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

American economic activities in Iraq and the role of the United States in dealing with International economic organizations with him in the discussions of the Iraqi Parliament (19581945). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 51, 1-34.