Features of Al-Jawahiri's Poetry

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د. ﺳﺤﺎب اﻻﺳﺪي


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His honest and trustworthy Messenger and his family.

The pure Tayyibeen and his companions, Al-Mayamin, and after:

Our Arabic poetry - despite the diversity of its eras - is full of distinctive symbols from its poetics.

Brilliant, whose poetic talents shone with brilliant creativity, outstanding skill, and remarkable ability, to announce

An active presence of its owners in the field of poetry, which was crowded with crowded poets.

In Marbadh, and they were among those who attained their share of mastery in the art of speech, and of those who excelled and excelled.

skillful in expressing his poetic experience, to make his way in the world of creativity and brilliance, and to be

Knights of the poem and among its poets are virile men, starting with Imru’ al-Qais, Zuhair and al-Nabigha.

And passing by Jarir, Al-Farazdaq, Dhul-Rama, Abi Tammam, Al-Buhtori, Abi Al-Ala’, Al-Mutanabbi and Al-Jawahiri.

Al-Jawahiri, who is linked to Al-Mutanabbi by the relationship of creativity, brilliance and brilliance, and the influences of ancestry between them

Pride, rather, between the two in terms of the relationship of neighbourhood, and the sharing of worry and misery, is he not addressed?

Al-Jawahiri, his companion, the Prophet, saying:

I am the son of a red kofta, I have a drum
Next to your hut there is no water or trees
Isn't the complaint of the sword Mnjarda?

With it, and if he toppled from his pillars, he baptized
Stick your soul no money, no handcuffs
The sword does not create unless it is drawn

The kind, mighty father was a source of support for me
O busy age generations and Haqba

But for what I described of the mighty extended
And tired people who vilified and praised

This met that, through a poetic course, full of virtuosity of performance and skill of art with the ability
Superior to control the vocabulary of the language and the diversity of its use with elaborate performance and a solid style that reveals the
Mature poetic talent, possessed of the elements of creativity and proficiency, to put his name with a group

Article Details

How to Cite
Features of Al-Jawahiri’s Poetry. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 43, 114-143. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi43.9603
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Features of Al-Jawahiri’s Poetry. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 43, 114-143. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi43.9603