History of the emergence and development of radio representations until 1956

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Research justifications and importance:

The research justification can be determined as follows:

1- Disclosure of the history of the establishment of the Iraqi radio representative.

2- The great lack of documented historical studies, and the absence of academic scientific studies

specialized on the history of the emergence of Iraqi radio representation, prompting the researcher to reveal this

The issue that extends for many years, and requires great effort and trouble in investigating

Scattered information related to this subject and from multiple sources is difficult to obtain except in some

the two days.

Also, the large number of documented historical studies of the history of radio representation in the world and some

The Arab countries, such as Egypt, for example, were an incentive for the researcher to carry out this feat of research, which did not receive sufficient attention.

Historically, scientifically, to the best of the researcher's knowledge.

The importance of the research stems from the fact that it is a specialized academic study that examines the history of the emergence of

The Iraqi radio show, which forms an important part of the history of Iraqi radio.

It is also a modest attempt to provide the Iraqi radio library with solid scientific research.

Relevant to the issue of the form and is still an important part of the Iraqi radio programs, which is the Iraqi drama.
Research goal:

The current research aims to investigate facts that include the history, circumstances, and how the emergence and development of

Iraqi radio show, by answering the following questions:

1- When did the first Iraqi radio actress start?

2- Were there other Iraqi radio stations broadcasting radio dramas in addition to the Iraqi radio station?


3- What kind of radio drama was broadcasted from the Iraqi radio?

4- Were the scripts for the radio dramas local, Arabic, or foreign?

5- Were the texts prepared for the radio or for theatre?

6- Exposing the criticism directed at the radio show?

Article Details

How to Cite
History of the emergence and development of radio representations until 1956. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 417-430. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9647
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

History of the emergence and development of radio representations until 1956. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 417-430. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9647