Eating disorders and their relationship to image body in adolescents

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د.سعدية كريم درويش


There are many epithets with which he described this era in which we live, as it is the age of the machine
And the age of anxiety and the age of the atom and the age of the computer and the last of these epithets and not the least significant is
The era of psychological disorders, so that modern man has begun to show manifestations of behavior
Thinking cannot reveal the imbalance and turmoil in his life as much as it is an expression of distress
Contemporary life and the difficulty of coping with its requirements (Kamal » 1987: 98).

In addition to the difficult social, educational and economic conditions that resulted
About the situation that the Iraqi society was exposed to, which led to an increase in the number of psychological problems
Social and educational among a wide segment of society, including adolescents
Although there are no accurate and clear statistics on these multiple problems, only
Some local studies indicated the prevalence of some manifestations of personality disorders

Body image (100886 8007) is a vital concept that has received attention
researchers; Since you are considered a dimension of the self (Dugan 0 2002: 7). And if there are
Various variables, whether psychological or external, impede the individual's ability to communicate
effective and proper compatibility; The individual's negative image of his body or his dissatisfaction with it may be
One of these factors that impede compatibility with himself and his surrounding environment at the same time

Article Details

How to Cite
Eating disorders and their relationship to image body in adolescents. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 765-818.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Eating disorders and their relationship to image body in adolescents. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 765-818.