Evaluation of library work and procedures Iraqi Scientific Virtual University of Technology case study

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أ.م.د. مؤيد يحيى خضير


The research aims to conduct an evaluation of the work of the Iraqi Scientific Virtual Library after
It was established more than ten years ago, which is a sufficient period to demonstrate its work and the extent of its usefulness to researchers in
University of Technology from naming the library, which has become inappropriate for its contents; and pointing out the defect
After transferring the responsibility for managing the system from the American side to the Iraqi side, there are ways to show it
information by them in a way that makes it difficult for the beneficiary to directly access that information
and the large number of publishers unconsidered; The research also touched on the strict instructions from
Those responsible for the virtual library accepted the obligation to subscribe to the library 6 and to set non-conditions
It is legal for those who did not participate in that library, such as stopping the promotion of a teacher. The research has found
To many recommendations, including deleting the names or data of every participant who is not affiliated with the university
technological. Selection of books, periodicals and databases according to the actual needs of its members
Technology University. Cancellation of the conditions added to the promotion of teaching staff that require subscription to the library
default. In addition to changing the name of the Iraqi Virtual Scientific Library to a name
Iraqi Virtual Library.
Keywords: Iraqi Virtual Library / University of Technology

Developments in information and communication technology in the 1980s
The nineties greatly affected the applications of information systems in public and private institutions ©
After the advent of local and remote networks, distributed computing, systems and networks of the Internet

Article Details

How to Cite
Evaluation of library work and procedures Iraqi Scientific Virtual University of Technology case study. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 947-972. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9910
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of library work and procedures Iraqi Scientific Virtual University of Technology case study. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 947-972. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9910