The effect of the Robin table method on the expressive performance of fifth grade literary students

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أ.د. عمار إسماعيل خليل
محمد ستار كامل


The current research aims to know: ((The effect of the Rubin table method on expressive performance)), and to verify the goal of the research, the researcher followed the experimental approach for its suitability to the research procedures and how to reach the results, and the researcher adopted the experimental design with control Partially divided into two independent, equal groups (experimental and control) with a test (post-expressive performance, cardiac and post-critical thinking, and post-thinking). The researcher randomly chose a sample of (79) students from the fifth literary grade in the middle school of Abi al-Shahid Saleh al-Aqili affiliated to the Directorate of Education / Rusafa 3 in Baghdad, with (40) students for the experimental group, and (39) students for the control group, and the researcher studied the students of the experimental group Using the Rubin table method, the students of the control group studied the same topics, using the usual method, and the researcher rewarded the students of the two groups in a number of variables, namely: (chronological age, academic achievement, grades of the previous year, intelligence test and critical thinking test). The researcher presented a questionnaire that included (11) An expressive topic, to a group of experts and arbitrators, and (6) topics were chosen to test the students of the two research groups. ) paragraph after approval It was approved by the experts, and the researcher chose the first semester to teach the two research groups, as the researcher studied the two groups (7) weeks, which is the duration of the experiment, as it began on Wednesday on (10/12/2022) and ended on Sunday on (4/12/2022), and he tested The two groups of topics chosen by experts in expressive performance after teaching the previous topics to students and a pre- and post-test for critical thinking of the experimental group and post-test for the control group for the purposes of his research, and in order to apply it to the two research groups, the researcher used the following statistical methods: (T-test for two independent samples, chi-square 2, and Pearson's correlation coefficient , Eta square equation, using Cohen's equation, and the researcher reached the following result: the fifth grade literary students excelled in the group In the light of the research results, the researcher concluded the following, that teaching by the method of (Robin's table) has improved the level of expressive performance among class students. Literary Fifth in a clear and tangible way, and as a complement to this research, the researcher suggested conducting a number of studies, including a study aimed at knowing the effect of the (Robin's Table) method on expressive performance in other academic stages.


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How to Cite
The effect of the Robin table method on the expressive performance of fifth grade literary students. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(120), 895-919.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The effect of the Robin table method on the expressive performance of fifth grade literary students. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(120), 895-919.

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