(قرينة الوقف والوصل والابتداء ودلالتهم على المعنى)

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م.م. محمود عبد العباس حمد


  The research included the presumption of enduwment, connection, and initiution and ,their indication of the meaning. The main purpose of the scionce of endowmant and initiotion is to search for what is meant, in order for the appropriate meaning to be conveyed to the recipient. The reader must take the role of the interpreter during his reading, because he has a role in clarifying the meaning for the listener. Or the endowment of what does not include the endowment or the beginning of what contradicts the meaning, because it falls into forms, so the reader must communicate the text with its concept, content, and feelings to the recipient in the most dazzling way. The second is the impor ,tance of ,the scieence of cessation, connection and initiation. And the third requirement: the sec tions of endowment, connection, and initiation. for As the second topic the indication of the presumption of endowment, connection, and initiation on the meaning. The research read that stopping, connecting, or starting are all clues that have a role in clarifying, interpreting, and clarifying the meaning, so no one can understand the meaning except by knowing that.

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How to Cite
م.م. محمود عبد العباس حمد. (2023). (قرينة الوقف والوصل والابتداء ودلالتهم على المعنى). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(121), 517–501. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v29i121.10846
human sciences articles