Building an educational program according to the semiotic approach to develop the skills of analyzing literary texts among university students.

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Dr.. Jassim Mohammed Jassam


This research aims to build an educational program according to the semiotic approach to develop the skills of analyzing literary texts among university students. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared an educational program that included educational objectives, theoretical and applied content, appropriate teaching methods, accompanying activities, and educational means. The validity of the program was verified by presenting it to a group of arbitrators and experts. Using the necessary statistical methods, the researcher reached the following results:

  1. The research found a set of procedures that are believed to lead to developing the skills of analyzing literary texts among university students.

  2. In this research, the researcher came up with an integrated educational program to develop the skills of analyzing literary texts, which includes a set of objectives, teaching methods, educational methods, and evaluation methods.

In light of the research results, the researcher concluded the following:

  1. Weakness of university students in analyzing literary texts.

  2. Weak literary culture among university students.

  3. The final program is suitable for realistic application based on the opinions of experts.

 In light of this, the researcher made the following recommendations:

  1. It has become necessary to pay attention to analyzing literary texts according to the foundations and rules of literary analysis.

  2. The necessity of using diverse and modern teaching methods with university students, especially in the subject of analyzing literary texts.

 In continuation of the research, the researcher suggested the following:

  1. The program will be studied by a specialized committee in the Ministry of Higher Education in order to adopt it.

  2. Applying the program to a selected sample of university students in Arabic language departments.

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How to Cite
Building an educational program according to the semiotic approach to develop the skills of analyzing literary texts among university students. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 30(124), 509-531.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Building an educational program according to the semiotic approach to develop the skills of analyzing literary texts among university students. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 30(124), 509-531.

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