Reform and its types in the thought of Ahl al-Bayt

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Prof. Dr. Khaled Mohammed Jassim
Ali Abdullah, may God have mercy on him


Praise be to God, the One, the One, the Unique, the Eternal, Who was not begotten and was not begotten, and there is none equal to Him, then prayers and peace be upon the supportive servant and the righted Messenger, the most glorious Chosen One, and the Mahmoud Al-Ahmad, our Master and Mawla Abi Al-Qasim Muhammad and upon his family, the guides, the guides and his chosen guardians (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) them together). Beyond. .
For centuries, the Islamic world has suffered from several problems that are embodied in a group of deviant manifestations due to the spiral of backwardness, poverty, ignorance, and tyranny, as a time passed over humanity when the weight of falsehood and deviation outweighed until the message of Muhammad came and established justice and equality between humanity, as Islam equated Abu Sufyan with Bilal

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How to Cite
Reform and its types in the thought of Ahl al-Bayt. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(101), 179-198.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Reform and its types in the thought of Ahl al-Bayt. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(101), 179-198.