Electrochemical Study of the Complexation of Quercetin with Lead (׀׀ ) ion in acidic media

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Najdat. R. Al-khafaji


Dietry flavonoids(Poly phenols) are important  phytonutrient component widely distributed in plant foods , flavonoids have beneficial biological activities,such as antioxidant activity , flavonoids can chelate with metal ions , the interaction of lead(׀׀) ion with a  poly hydroxylated flavonoids, the quercetin molecule,were investigated electrochemically in acidic media .The Differential Puls Polarographic  Techanique  was used to determine the kinetics parameters (Kס f,h ,   αn) using Meites- Israel method, also thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (∆H), free energy chang (∆G) , entropy change(∆S) of  Pb+2 – complexes with  Quercetin at (293- 313k) . The(Kסf,h, αn)values for the  kinetics of the electrode processes show that the electrode processes were irreversible and diffusion controlled.

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How to Cite
Electrochemical Study of the Complexation of Quercetin with Lead (׀׀ ) ion in acidic media. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(87), 69-81. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v21i87.8854
pure science articles

How to Cite

Electrochemical Study of the Complexation of Quercetin with Lead (׀׀ ) ion in acidic media. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(87), 69-81. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v21i87.8854