Symbolic interaction and its work in the design of fashion fabrics

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أ.م.د.فاتن علي حسين
م.مروان توفيق عبد حميد


Addressing the symbolic interaction between the design producer and the recipient is indications related to cultural aspects of intellectual and social phenomena of individuals and groups, as important in giving the privacy of the symbol design to the level of consumer and deliberative, and therefore, the company (Burberry) known for its design brands and has a global position in the world of fashion design to be subject to laws Market, competition and acceptance in communities            .

A question about the research problem identified "What are the functions of the symbolic interaction between the products of" Burberry "for textile and fashion designs and the consumer?" The objective of the research was to "detect the symbolic interaction of the product from the fabrics of the company (Burberry) International and his works in the designs of fashion fabrics and its relationship with the consumer" where the research community reached (45) model design multi-functional purpose, and within the time period 2015_ 2019, the research was chosen in a deliberate manner and by (20) (9) models.

Keywords: Interaction, Symbol, Symbolic Interaction, Fabric Design, Fashion Design The research reached the most important results

  1. The design of fashion fabrics (Burberry) adopted the formal organization of lines with different line thickness direction, color, space, in the design of fashion fabrics, has led to the interaction of the symbolic context of the product directly in the preference and selection of individuals.

  2. The designs of fabrics (Burberry) geometric forms such as squares and rectangles proportions and measurements accurate in the implementation of the surface of the cloth and its relationship to uniforms, has been effective in the promotion and marketing to consumers over the appearance and production.

  3. Vocabulary of fabrics and costumes (Burberry) achieved familiarity and acceptance formulas through the relationship between the designer, the producer and the consumer according to different stages of age and gender in selection and preference.

The research recommends: Focusing on forms that represent an authentic heritage and civilization symbol and employ them in the design of fabrics and fashion products and supplements and benefit from interactive data with the consumer.

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How to Cite
Symbolic interaction and its work in the design of fashion fabrics. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 1-18.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Symbolic interaction and its work in the design of fashion fabrics. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 1-18.