Indication of symbols in the design slogans of Mobile Communications

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Sanad Fouad Mohammed


   The art of slogan   represented  the innovative side  in the designing   process,  on which  to what extent  this  factor depends  carried out by  the company that designed the slogan   for being  regarded    as  the owner of the innovation.

 the art of slogan works in the core of the event  and the slogan  is a creative expression  about  new   thoughts ; besides ,  the ability of  creating  new thoughts and ideas  have been considered  the main basic  element for succeeding  the message of  active design  depended  on   the  skill  of  the idea creation, style , along with the method of  processing it.  This could lead  to carry out  the  communicative  goals of  the slogan.

The current research  aims to:

  1. Uncovering  the indications of the symbol  in slogans of  the mobile 

  2. Specifying   indication  and symbols  in slogans of mobile company.

  3. Communicating  to know  the basic  elements  that  being depended  on to  design  indication  and symbols  of  the mobile  company .  

 The researcher  has followed   method of  analyzing the content;  the researcher  has reached to the results  as to achieve the  research 's goals.  The researcher has chosen  5 slogans  represented   Iraqna ( Zain)   - Asia Cell – Korek – Kilimat) ; the researcher  has used  the method of  examining the samples  to be analyzed  depending on  the forms   prepared for this purpose.

Most important  results are:

  1. Details  ,decoration and  decorative Fonts  interfered  in the slogan   lead to disperse   its active performance ; besides deteriorating the vitality  of the designing unity  for each of  space , and other units.  Moreover, the missing of  its partial parts  related each to other.

  2. It has been appeared  composite  relationship accomplishment, to achieve   the vitality of designing unity  that in return  accomplish  the  plastic  elements 


Article Details

How to Cite
Indication of symbols in the design slogans of Mobile Communications. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 23(99), 373-392.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Indication of symbols in the design slogans of Mobile Communications. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 23(99), 373-392.