Algorithm method for generalized derivations of two dimensional associative algebras

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Asst. Lecture .Ahmed Abdulkareem Hadi


The concept of generalized derivations of two dimensional associative algebras have been studied and their properties. The algorithm for finding generalized derivations have been given and its subspaces for the associative algebras [1]. The two dimensional associative algebras have 5 isomorphism classes of algebras. Each isomorphism classes have different table of multiplication.

The algorithm; 

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How to Cite
Algorithm method for generalized derivations of two dimensional associative algebras. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(101), 1-13.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Algorithm method for generalized derivations of two dimensional associative algebras. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(101), 1-13.