Positions of the fingers in playing the oud instrument in Arabic musical theory

Main Article Content

أ.م فراس ياسين جاسم
ثائر خليل إسماعيل


This Research consisted of four chapters with a list of sources as follows:

First chapter addressed the methodological framework of the research, viewing research justification, which spotlighted on the history of Oud instrument in ancient Iraqi civilization (Acadian era), and how it transferred to neighbored countries at pre-Islam era.

Music art flourished at Islamic eras, especially in Baghdad at Abbasian era, whereas Oud was the most musical instrument used by players and composers, it used by many musicians and philosopher, like (Al-kindi, Al-farabi, Ibn-Sina, and Al-Armawi), in order to explain music theories, like fingers positions on Oud instrument.  For lacking of any musical theory, studies and researches dealt with interpreting finger position in Oud instrument in Arab and non-Arab philosopher's literatures at Abbasian era using modern notating musical symbols, emerged the justification of this research to establish a scientific and analytical study about (Fingers Positions in playing Oud Instrument in Arabian Music Theory). Then, the researcher showed the importance of his research, and then he showed the aim of his research in exposing fingers positions in Oud Instrument within methodical fingers succession in Arabian music theory in Abbasian era at Alkindi, Al-farabi, Ibn-Sina, and Al-Armawi. Then he determined the research limits and terms definitions.

The second chapter included the theoretical framework, which consisted of two subjects; first highlighted the history of Oud instrument since it was emerged in ancient Iraqi civilizations (Akadian era) and the importance of invention of it, and then in pre-Islamic era and Islamic eras. In second subject, he described fingers positions on Oud fingerboard at Alkindi, Al-farabi, Ibn-Sina, and Al-Armawi.

Third chapter dealt with research procedures, where he identified the research approach taken. Then he chose the research community, and then Information gathering stage. In addition, analyzing of philosophers theories about fingers positions on Oud instrument, which discussed in chapter tow. 

The fourth chapter exhibit his conclusions, recommendations, suggestions, and then the list of sources, and finally the research abstract in English.


Article Details

How to Cite
Positions of the fingers in playing the oud instrument in Arabic musical theory. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(92), 697-716. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v21i92.7541
pure science articles

How to Cite

Positions of the fingers in playing the oud instrument in Arabic musical theory. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(92), 697-716. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v21i92.7541