The Effect of Using Think- Pair- Share Technique on EFL Students’ Achievement in the Course of General English

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Asst.Instr. Muntaha Sabbar Jebur
Asst.Instr. Habar Hussien Jasim
Asst.Instr. Hiba Rasheed Jaboori




List of Abbreviations:


English Foreign Language


General English


Think Pair Share


1.1 Problem of the Study and its Significance:

            General English ( henceforth GE)as a subject matter represents practical real life needs. It covers the basic language skills which are speaking, listening, reading and writing. From the researchers' experience in EFL teaching  at college level, they notice that many students  have different difficulties and problems in mastering these skills. They  make different mistakes in English grammar, pronunciation, orthography and vocabulary usage and they are not engaged actively in the learning process.

       McLaughlin et al. (1983:144) state that to develop any complex or difficult skill, teachers must employ a set of good automatic procedures. Ledlow (2001: online)believes that there are problems with the way that  questions are usually posed within a lecture. One of these problems is that when a question is posed to the class as a whole, usually some students, and sometimes no student, volunteer to answer the question. Another problem is that usually after asking a question, the  instructor waits less than one second before calling on a student. Meanwhile  the first student is called to answer,  other students stop processing their answers.

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How to Cite
The Effect of Using Think- Pair- Share Technique on EFL Students’ Achievement in the Course of General English. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(80), 823-839.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The Effect of Using Think- Pair- Share Technique on EFL Students’ Achievement in the Course of General English. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(80), 823-839.