The relationship between food security and urban violence A study in political geography

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أ.م.د. عباس غالي داود الحديثي
أ.م.د. أعياد عبد الرضا عبدال ابراهيم
م.م. عبد الله علي كاظم


The size of the population is one of the most important elements of the consumer function, as the imbalance between
Consumption on the one hand and production and productive resources on the other hand can lead to impossibility
Food security plans. The high percentage of urban growth in Iraq for the period
2011-7 indicates that migration from rural to urban areas is still continuing due to stumbling
Agricultural development policies and programmes. This is in addition to the increased demand for food as a result of the change
urban lifestyle, which further complicated the problem of food security; Hence the probability of occurrence
violence. Galtung Asnalah6 referred to three forms of violence as a result of hunger and poverty
world wide thereof

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How to Cite
The relationship between food security and urban violence A study in political geography. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 581-601.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The relationship between food security and urban violence A study in political geography. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 581-601.

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