The effect of error remedial teaching common in mathematics in achievement Science subject for third year students At the Teachers Training Institute

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د. انعام ابراهيم عبد الرزاق


There is no doubt that the development of science in general depends on mathematics and be
Accompanying its development, as a result of the increasing reliance of science on mathematical methods
Detecting mathematical errors that affect students' achievement in science and addressing them
Importance of student success and progress in science.

The current research aims to find out the effect of remedial teaching for common errors in mathematics
In the achievement of science, and in order to achieve this, the researcher put the following statistical hypothesis:
There are no statistically significant differences in the average achievement of female students in the science house
The experimental and control groups.

The research sample consisted of (50) female students representing two divisions of the third grade at the Institute for Preparation
Parameters / Mansour.

The researcher rewarded the students of the two groups in the variable of their achievement in mathematics for the year
Past, chronological age, monthly income, and parental education level.

The researcher taught the two groups by herself over an entire semester
The remedial method for common errors in mathematics when teaching the experimental group
She used it when teaching the control group, and the researcher took science degrees at the end of the period

Article Details

How to Cite
The effect of error remedial teaching common in mathematics in achievement Science subject for third year students At the Teachers Training Institute. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 185-213.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The effect of error remedial teaching common in mathematics in achievement Science subject for third year students At the Teachers Training Institute. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 185-213.