An actor's treatment of a character in a theatre (Brecht) epic "The play of the good man as a model"

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د. مظفر كاظم محمد


The problem of this research is how the Iraqi actor deals with the dramatic character in

Epic Theater (Brecht); Especially those in the play (The Good Man from
szwan); Is the treatment consistent with the propositions (Brecht) on non-reincarnation before
actor 0 and stand out character; and bystander dimensions to match or sympathize with
Personal ; Rather, look at it critically.

The research aims to know the propositions (Brecht) about how the actor treats the character
dramatic; And the approach of the Iraqi representative from that way; For theatrical characters
(The good person from Setzwan) which was directed by (Awni Karumi) for the two bands of the Art Theater
Modern and popular theatre.

In the first topic of the theoretical framework of the research, the researcher deals with what (personality) is.
In general, and what is the (dramatic character) in particular, and discusses the opinions of psychologists in this regard;
Foremost among them is Freud. In the second topic, the researcher discusses the propositions of (Bertolt Brecht).
about his epic theatre; and about his dramatic characters; And the foundations on which I build
Personal ; and its representative treatment; The actor is more like a narrator for the character
It is characterized by its own characteristics. Brecht rejects the psychological box of personality.
That is, the actor should not adopt the character's actions; Rather, it allows the spectator to look for
alternatives. and that personality does not represent an individual in society; Rather, it represents a particular social class or organization.

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How to Cite
An actor’s treatment of a character in a theatre (Brecht) epic "The play of the good man as a model". (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 739-758.
pure science articles

How to Cite

An actor’s treatment of a character in a theatre (Brecht) epic "The play of the good man as a model". (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 739-758.