Published: 2015-06-01

character in a novel I loved you more than i should

Dr. Taghreed Abd al-Khaleq Hadi Sab'

157 - 176

Existential waste in a sample University professors and students

M. Dr.. Raghad Ibrahim Abbas Al-Moussawi

461 - 492

The rate of radioactive exposure in the air for the center of Tikrit district and Al-Alam district, Salah al-Din governorate

محمد جاسم محمد , fayiz qahtan wahid, Hassanein Musa Jaafar, Haider Younes

217 - 224

Children's rights in films animation

م.د.يسرى عبد الوهاب محمود

365 - 392

Imitation and simulation in linear-decorative achievements

أ.م. د. هاشم خضير حسن الحسيني

393 - 428

Semantic integration of a design architecture trade mark

م . م .إيفان عبد الكريم محمود

429 - 452

The Arab festive play between theory and practice

أ.م.د. عادل كريم سالم , أ.م.د. زهير كاظم

453 - 464

Building a model for evaluating the artistic production of students of the College of Applied Arts in directing and colors

م. د. ميسون عبدالله عنبر , م. د. فاطمة محمد عبدالله

541 - 564

Environmental references and their impact on expression in sculptural architecture in the United Arab Emirates

أ.د جاويه داكير, م.سامر جاسم حلو , أ.د ستي رقية بنت تايبيك

629 - 660

History of the West Asian Championship football

م. م. مهند عبد الإله عزيز

681 - 716

More On MC-Functions

Saheb K. AL-Saidy, Rabeaa G. Abtan

149 - 156

Effect of solvent polarity on the fluorescence properties of )Acriflavine( molecular

Assi. Lect. Hadeel Tareq Hamad ,, Dr. Asmaa Satar Jeeiad Mheesin Al-Ragehey