Kinetic and thermodynamics study of heavy metal ions adsorption from aqueous solution using new resin 8-hydroxyquinoline-furfural-hydroquinone (HQFH).

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Mudeer Mubarak merza


Used in this study to prepare for the new cross linked polymer
adsorption to remove heavy metals(Hg*’,Cd*’,Zn*?,Pb”) in aqueous
solution . Using UV-Visible spectrophotometer technique to determine the
amount of adsorption and factors affecting the adsorption of PH and the
distribution coefficient and the effect of temperature and study the
thermodynamic functions process. The results showed that the highest
amount of adsorption was ion (Zn*), which was 98.9% , Pb**= 80.2%
,Cd=75.3% and Hg*=67.9%. The results the thermodynamic parameter
showed that reaction exothermic and value of AG is spontaneous. The
adsorption kinetic was found to follow pseudo-second order rate model,
due to the high correlation coefficient(R’) and agreement between the
experimental and calculated value of qe (mg/l). The results proved the
applicability of isotherm Freundilch equation for adsorption coefficient
higher than for Langmuir correlation equation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kinetic and thermodynamics study of heavy metal ions adsorption from aqueous solution using new resin 8-hydroxyquinoline-furfural-hydroquinone (HQFH). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 169-188.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Kinetic and thermodynamics study of heavy metal ions adsorption from aqueous solution using new resin 8-hydroxyquinoline-furfural-hydroquinone (HQFH). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 169-188.

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