The Journal of the College of Basic Education (CBEJ) is a refereed scientific journal issued by the College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University (Baghdad - Iraq) every three months and in two parts, one part for humanities and educational sciences and one part for pure sciences. Its first issue was in 1994 under the name of the Journal of Teachers College, whose name was changed to correspond with the name of the college in 2004 to the Journal of the College of Basic Education.

The magazine holds a digital identifier (DOI).

It also holds the International Standard Number (ISSN).

ISSN:3007-3650 (Print)
ISSN: 2706-8536 (Electronic)

The book ..The window of thought towards knowledge and creativity


The best professors ..Distinguished researchers Under the title (Book ..The Journal of the Faculty of basic education, in cooperation with the Ministry of culture and publishing houses, holds a book exhibition on يومي _ _ November at (١١) in the morning on the corridors of the Central Library at the faculty.

Vol. 30 No. 127 (2024)

Published: 2024-10-01

Social Control Among Female Kindergarten Students

Ayat Thabet Rashi, Prof. Dr. Bushra Hussein Ali


Population Displacement In Southern Iraq (Basra, Maysan, Dhi Qar) As A Model

أ.م.د.محمد حماد عبد اللطيف, م.د نغم احمد مصلح, م.م.اريج عبد الواحد جميل, أ.د.شهلة ذاكر توفيق, أ.د.احسان القصار


Effective Open-minded Thinking among Female Students in the Kindergarten Department

Ayat Majid Sadiq Issa Al-Moussawi, Asst.Prof.Dr. Nada Sabah Abbas Al-Janabi


الهوية المهنية لدى معلمات رياض الاطفال

سجى حميد حسين, أ.م.د. لينا عقيل خداداد


Self-Insight among middle school students

Researcher. Naglaa Ami, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kadhim Al-Jizani


Definitions, features and characteristics of social interpretation

Huda Abd Ali Khamis, Prof. Dr. Aqil Abbas Rikan


Auditory Perception Among Kindergarten Children

ASST.Lest Yasmine Hassan Hussein Al-Amiri


Self-monitoring of educational counselors

Abdullah Jalal Khali, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kazem Jassim Al-Jizan, Prof Dr. Maytham Abdul-Kadhim Hashim


The Legal Objectives Of Increasing The Punishment In The Prescribed Punishments / Incest As A Model

Assistant Professor Dr. Karima Aboud Jabr, Assistant Professor Dr. Samra Issa Mahawi, Assistant Professor Dr. Fatima Mahmoud Al-Qashiri


Hydrology of Al-Amara Dam and its role in water management

Asst Inst . Salim Raysan Hayawi Al-Rikabi


Phonetic syllables in standard Arabic speech

Dr. Mustafa Abd Kadhim, Walaa Abd Al-Hussein Rfus


A periodic survey model for acquiring directing skills was developed for students of the Institute of Fine Arts in shadow imagination sessions

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Firas Ali Hasan Al-Kanani, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdul Redha Jasim Hamza, أ .د. عبد الرضا جاسم حمزة


The Effect of Kohlberg's Model on Developing Musical Skills Among Students of The Department of Art Education In The Subject of Music Appreciation

Qusay Abdul Khaliq Hamoud, Assistant Professor Dr. Jabbar Khamat Hamza, أ.د. محمد هادي أرحيم


The Effect of Transformation Strategy on The Achievement of Fifth-Grade Scientific Students In Chemistry

Fatima Ayoub Abdul Ghafou, Dr. Rahim Jaafar Aziz, Dr. Zahraa Raouf Jawad


اثر انموذج والاس لتنمية الذكاء المكاني لدى معلمي التربية الفنية في المسرح المدرسي

قادسية سليمان حميد جاسم, أ.م. د. صفاء محمد نامق, أ.م. د. أحمد شريجي سدخان


The mythological impact on ancient Iraqi sculpture

م.د.حسام عبد الخالق عثمان حاتم الطائي


علاقة اساليب التعلم بالاتجاه نحو التخصص الأكاديمي لدى طلبة كلية التربية الأساسية

م. مها سامي ابراهيم, م.م غفران هلال عبد الحسين, م.م عبد الوهاب شاكر مشرف


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