Published: 2013-06-01

The influence of the manuscript on postmodern literature The modern Iraqi narrative model

أ.م.د باسم صالح حميد, نادية غضبان محمد

1 - 26

Dimensions of tolerance in Andalusian poetry (literary historical study)

M . Dr . Hussein Ali Qais, م . د. محمود شاكر محمود

79 - 91

The phonetic structure in Surat Al-Ghashiya Semantic study

miead yusuf nasr allah, mirift yusuf kazim

225 - 253

The urban expansion of the city of Baghdad and its impact on Farmland

أ.م. سوسن صبيح حمدان, M. M. Hanan Hussein Dryol

651 - 375

Diplomatic relations between Iraq and Japan ( 1921- 1958)

a. M. Dr.. Sinan Sadiq Hussein al-Zaidi

375 - 409

Oil and its uses among the Arabs Historical study

a. M. Dr.. Qusay Asaad Abdul Hamid

409 - 425

Buddhism their teachings and beliefs

Dr.. Haitham Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Jabbar Al-Samarrai

425 - 445

Evaluation of the reality of university activities in the Colleges of Basic Education

a. M. Dr.. Abbas Naji Abdul Amir, M. M. Baida Mohamed Ahmed

603 - 623

The Morpho - Phonological and Phonetic Canonical Theory of Arabic

Prof. Dr. Nidham Sheet Hameed, Assi. Lec. Raed Dakhil Kareem

899 - 913

John Skelton: the Laureate of the People

Dr. Ammar Safaa Hussein

913 - 927

The use of biopolymers to remove some heavy elements from water

The ultimate blessing Thuwaini, Hamid Kazem Abbas

1 - 13

Effect of rosemary extract and bay leaf on seed germination and seedling growth of Pisum sativum pea

أ.م د. وفاق امجد القيس, م. رهف وائل محمود

13 - 19

A study of the pattern guide and the Dankmeijer skin striae guide in patients with schizophrenia

عباس عبدالله محمد, دنيا قاسم محمد , أريج عبد الوهاب محمد

39 - 45

A study of health and scientific awareness of swine flu in society

أحمد يوسف حنون العضاض, محمد جابر لفته العبيدي , علي حافظ عباس

65 - 75

Investigation of xeralenone in poultry feed in Baghdad province and isolation of Fusarium spp. his producer

هادي مهدي عبود, شذى علي شفيق, عمر أنعم خليل

133 - 145

Creep in LDPE polymer, between mechanical property and environment effects of use

م. م. ناصر عبد الله محمد حبيب الساعدي

157 - 169

Environmental impact and health of the bromide ion through the formation of carcinogenic compounds

استبرق علي حميد , امال عبد رضا, نور الهدى عبد الررزاق

169 - 177


حليمة زغير حسين, منير سعيد محسن البلداوي, رقيب عاكف حمد العاني

197 - 211

Measurement of the normal range of Thyroid gland & Thyroid stimulating hormones in Iraqi population

ماجد حسن قربون , هشام محمود عبد الكريم , فؤاد حسين كامل

211 - 219

Total quality in higher education

م. رافد صباح التميمي, م. م. رؤى رياض سلمان

219 - 251

Control center and its relationship to the perception of success for soccer players

م. م. وان شيركو محمد عبدالرحمن الجاف

293 - 321

The extent to which quality assurance standards in higher education include concepts of sustainable development

م. مقداد عبد الوهاب الخطيب, م. ليلى لطيف علوان

345 - 355

Study of Antimicrobial Activity to Pomegranate Juice Against Some of Dental Pathogenes

Ban Oday Abdul Satta, Ali Murtadha Hasan, Hasan Abdul-Husein Hafeadh

741 - 747

Synthesis and Characterization of Benzoic Acid 2-Salicylidene Complexes with Selected Metal Ions

Zainab Nafea Jaafar, Nibras Abdul-Ameer Aboud, Amer J.Jarad

833 - 841